What can You Expect?

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IPO Expertise & Services Collectively our team brings strategic, financial, Wall Street and corporate experience. They key point of differentiation with VCC is our ability to leverage the combination of our industry knowledge, analytical ability, experience and relationships in a way that maximizes results for our clients. Each client is unique and requires a specifically tailored communications program to achieve their goals. Having direct hands on market experience we are uniquely qualified to support your needs:
Strategic Support

* Roadshow preparation
* Power Point
* Q&A
* Presentation preparation, guidance, feedback and training
* Messaging & positioning
* Guidance strategy & philosophy <
br /> * Sell-side interaction & education
* Internal employee communications
* Peer & industry holders, metrics and valuation analysis
* Senior management IR teach-ins
* IR website launch
Logistical Support

* Policies & procedures
* Disclosure policies & internal procedures
* Communications protocols
* Insider trading policy
* Quiet period policy
* Communications infrastructure
* IR website
* Wire services
* Press releases
* Distribution lists
* Webcasting * Conference calls